Cool iOS wallpaper apps to beautify your iPhone/iPad home screen

Wallpapers are the simplest and most effective way to change the look of your smartphones/tablets and turn it into something unique environment. If you’d like to stand out and make your iPhone or iPad unique amongst others. You may want to choose an astonishing background. As that will be the first thing people see when holding your phone. Luckily, the App Store has some cool apps that will make it easy by finding awesome iPhone wallpapers for you so you don’t need to search through millions of photos.
What is the best wallpaper app for iPhone and iPad devices?
Finding the right wallpaper for your iOS device can be challenging because you want a beautiful picture that won’t get in the way of seeing your icons. In the following list, we will explore the top 10 best free wallpaper apps that provide you with as many background images as possible.
Vellum Wallpapers

Vellum wallpapers offers a selection of HD backgrounds for the lock screen and app drawer. With over 36 categories and over 100 different wallpapers. Vellum easily takes a spot on this list. The app allows you to browse tons of different wallpapers, blur the wallpaper to your liking, and previewing how they’d look as backgrounds/lock-screen before choosing any of them. The app contains a “Daily Wallpapers” section which is updated on daily basis with fresh new wallpapers. Although vellum wallpapers is free, you can pay $1.99 to remove ads and support the developer.
Live Wallpapers for Me

It’s one thing to apply a cool wallpaper to your lock screen, but It’s another whole be level to apply a moving wallpaper or an animated one. Live Wallpapers for me allows you to animate your device using astonishing time-lapse sceneries and cool Moving 4K Backgrounds. All you need to do is install the app, select any animated wallpaper, and hold with your finger on your lock screen. The app is free and offers multiple free backgrounds, but you can unlock all premium wallpapers, get regular content updates and remove ads with a subscription.

Wallcraft is one of the best free wallpaper apps for iPhone and iPad that provides you with countless live wallpapers in 4K quality. The app releases new wallpapers and live wallpapers daily. What’s truly unique about Wallcraft is that right from the start, The app detects what model of iPhone you are holding and only shows you the wallpapers that fit your iPhone perfectly. You’ll only see the best. Wallcraft has tens of different categories, so you would surely find something you like on the app. The app is free, but it offers a premium “PRO” version. The pro version is subscription-based and costs $0.99 monthly, $4.99 for 6 months, or $8.99 annually. The PRO version removes all ads and unlocks exclusive wallpapers that are not available in the free version.

Unsplash is home to over 2.5 million free high-resolution images that you can use as wallpaper. Unsplash is community-based, as thousands of photographers worldwide share their photographs with others on the app. Which makes up the abundance of wallpapers you get to choose from. Ever wanted to share that awesome photo you took for the sunset? You may be in luck as Unsplash allows anyone to create an account and share their great pictures right away. It’s a completely free and one better source for wallpapers.

Walli is a community-based app where graphic designers share their creations with the world. With over 8 million users, You’ll surely find something that you like on there. The best part is that artists and designers on the app can actually earn money, while you get to select the best wallpaper out there. All wallpapers are available in different sizes, and Walli will advise you on the best size for the device you are using. Overall, Walli is a decent app to find cool HD wallpapers and the best lock screen backgrounds.
Wallpapers & Themes for Me

Want to make your iOS device looking marvelous? Wallpapers & Themes For Me is your go-to app. Explore hundreds of wallpapers and 12 different categories in a simplistic UI. This amazing app allows users to preview their choices as wallpapers or lock screens before applying them to their device. iPad users can also select between Landscape and Portrait images. The app is also available for Apple Watch users, for users who want to change the look and feel of their smartwatches. The app is free but offers a premium version. You can subscribe to remove ads and get access to premium content for $12 monthly.
ZEDGE Wallpapers

Since the early days of features phones with color display, ZEDGE has been providing wallpapers, ringtones, and other multimedia content. Their free wallpaper app for iOS devices offers its users thousands of different wallpapers. The app is an easy-to-use choice for users to scour different wallpapers. You click on the wallpaper of choice, select download, and you’re good to go. ZEDGE contains inspirational wallpapers, stunning scenery, and abstract art so users will surely find something they like on there. The app is the most popular source for free wallpapers with an in-app premium currency called “Credits”. You can either watch ads and earn free credits or purchase 500 credits for as little as $1.
Atlas Wallpaper

As you may have guessed, Atlas Wallpapers allows users to set wallpapers of maps that they choose. You can search for any location on earth and transform that location into a map that you can use as wallpapers. Atlas comes with plenty of art styles for the maps. Want to create your own art style? Atlas premium offers you that feature. It allows users to create their own styles, and share them with other app users. In short, it’s a very interesting app to create your own unique wallpapers images for your smartphone.
As of the addition of the recent widget to the iOS eco-system, hundreds of apps that allow users to customize their widgets flooded the market. However, App Icons hand down the best app that allows you to decorate your Home Screen with customizable Icons, wallpapers, and widgets. This could truly revolutionize the feel of your iPhone or iPad. With tons of high quality HD images in different styles and gorgeous moving backgrounds, the only limit to App Icons is your creativity. App Icons also offer live animation wallpapers. App Icons is free but offers a yearly subscription for $50, which removes ads and unlocks exclusive content for the user.
Wallpapers HD & 4k Background

Want selections of awesome backgrounds, stunning widgets, and daily content that can make your apple iOS device feel brand new? Wallpapers HD & 4k Backgrounds is the app of choice. Browse between hundreds of different wallpapers and widgets to refresh how your device looks. The app is free but offers a paid membership for $10 weekly, which unlocks premium content and removes ads.
We hold our phones more than a hundred times a day, which makes wallpaper all the more important as it can easily set us in the mood. We reviewed tens of the apps and cherry-picked the best wallpaper apps for iPhone for you. Whether you want cool wallpapers for your iPhone, iPad, or even Apple Watch. We got you covered.