Best Free Logic Games for iPhone and iPad

These iOS Logic games will test your mind on issues of memory skill, perception, logic, and thinking speed.

Best Logic games for iPhone and iPad

Logic games are great for brain training and improving various mental activities such as processing information, making connections, making quick decisions, and generating new ideas quickly. Logic games are usually level-based, time-controlled, and often ask the player to solve puzzles, making them great for playing anywhere anytime.

What are the best logic games for iPhone and iPad devices?

Many great iOS games are based on logic and strategy that bring hours of fun, and most of them are actually free to play. Here are our top picks for the best logic games for iPhone and iPad.

Minesweeper Classic ‪2

Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Minesweeper Classic 2 ios olgic game

Minesweeper is a classic PC game and of the best logic games of all time. The goal is to clear the minefield by reviling numbers under the tiles while avoiding the bombs and win the game! This is a great example of applying strategy and logic to win a simple yet exciting game. Start with a covered minefield of square tiles. Each time you tap on a tile, you will see some numbers under the tiles that indicate how many mines are touching the tile. So you have to carefully choose the next, which might explode and kill the game. Overall, it’s a great logic game for mobile devices that never gets old.


Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Sevn logic baords game for iphone

Sev‪n is a newer board game for iPhone and iPad devices that cleverly implements logical rules to move forward in the game. In this turn-based game, you have towers in 7 distinct colors. Try to collect and keep as many colors as possible on your side. Once the board is clear, whoever has the most color wins the game. It’s an easy-to-play game but quickly becomes more challenging. You can either play against the bot or challenge online players. Each game requires tokens to play, which can earn buy watching ads or buy with in-app purchasers.


Price: Free
Sudoku for iphone or ipad

For hundreds of years, soduku was recognized as one of the best logic number games that require critical thinking to solve the puzzle. It’s a never-ending game with a new board each time. For those who want to stay on and take nice classic sudoku always on the phone, this app is a must-have. With exciting graphics, animations, sounds, and effects, online ranking, four different playing levels, this more version of Sudoku is one of the best games to enjoy whenever you have leisure time.

Coolmath Games

Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Coolmath Fun Mini logic Games for iOS

Coolmath Games offers a collection of many fun mini logic games and math games that require lots of thinking, strategy, and logical decisions to maximize your chance to win. It has tons of games in various categories, including escaping, checkers, tower defense, or even match 3 style levels and more that covers physics, path planning, drawing, etc. Overall, Coolmath is a fun logic game app suitable for players of any age.

Logic Grid

Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Logic Grid ipHone game

Logic Grid is a decoding game that requires lots of thinking and logical process to find the right answers. It gives a story or put in a situation with many clues, then asks to fill in the grid to solve each puzzle. Unlike other logic games, it offers a smart hints system that explains where, why, and how to apply the clue on the current board, which ultimately improves your skill to master the game. This is a superb free logic game without any interruption for ads and also supports iOS iCloud sync and accessibility features, so you put text with voiceover, change the font size, or play in dark mode.

Unblock M‪e

Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Unblock Me sliding block logic game for mobile

Unblock Me‬ is the best free sliding blocks puzzle game for iPhone or iPad. You have to slide and move wooden blocks and help the main block to escape the board. It sounds simple but will test your visual thinking ability. It’s a good example of using brain power and logical decision-making to solve the games in less time. There are tens of thousands of levels available for solving.

Crazy Traffic Contro‪l

Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Crazy Traffic Control iOS game

Crazy Traffic Control is a super fun simulator game. It is a game that will test your strategic thinking with varying traffic puzzle difficulties. Here, you have to solve the traffic jams of cars moving to avoid crashing. It’s a simple one-touch game yet quite engaging, and you can also unlock new intersections, cars, and trains.


Price: Free/ Offers IAP
REBUS - Absurd Logic Game

REBUS is an absurd logic game with very few elements but cleverly designed to mess with your brain. With its cute illustrations and companion letters, the game steals the show. You must think logically about the possible answer it could be. There is no time limit, so you could think for minutes or hours to come up with the answer. It’s also one of the better offline games you could play anywhere without the internet.

Where’s My Water? ‪2‬

Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Where's My Water puzzle for iOS

Where’s My Water is a famous game developed in collaboration with Disney. Your mission is to get your protagonist the coveted water for a good shower. To do this, you must make the water flow avoiding hazards and other liquid substances to get as much water as possible. The latest version adds new locations and elements. Overall, this physics-based game successfully blended puzzles and logical thinking for amazing gameplay.


Price: Free/ Offers IAP
Logicals iOS game

Logicals has similar gameplay to the famous zebra puzzle, also known as Einstein’s Riddle. You have to use clues and logical deduction to find the solution. Players get a starter pack to solve then more puzzle packs are available through in-app purchases.

These are some of the best logic games for iPhones and iPad. Please do share your favorite best logic or thinking games for iOS devices. Thank you for reading.

Khaled Shariar
Khaled Shariar
Khaled is using Android OS since the very first Google Phone. He started to help other Android/ iOS users to find the right Applications/ Games and solving issues with their phone. Khaled also works in Creative Media Design.


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